Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Garth Ennis - Favourite Comic Book Author - Reason 36**


Garth Ennis has no problem with explicit content in his comics. In fact that is one of the things I like most about his work is that he is willing to push the boundary and break the norm with his comics. The Boys is set in a world where superheroes are power crazed super dicks. Raping and pillaging norms cause they can. Crossed is a real piece of work that is really screwed up but really hard to look away from at the same time. It is one of the few things that disturbed me enough I had trouble going to sleep. As disturbing as it was it was powerful enough that I can recall most of the book. Punisher Max pushed the idea of how violent and powerful Frank is. And Preacher, an original comic that challenged concepts of religion and tells an engrossing story.

So Cunt. It is a simple thing, but it is symbolic of how Garth Ennis is willing to push the envelope and freely put on display things that can otherwise be taboo. The language he uses is of course not just there for shock value but given the situational context is typically appropriate and adds value to the story.

** Please note that the reasons are random and not in order. I am not that OCD

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