Saturday, May 7, 2011

Election piss offs

It took me a little while but I have finally figured out what about the results of the last election have pissed me off and that is people's reactions more then anything. Reading through facebook messages I have seen people posting messages about how the new conservative government will set fire to parliament and offer ourselves to the states as a new American state. Some of the left wing people, and you know the ones. The ones that are now thinking of moving out of Canada and not coming back because Canada will be destroyed. Uttering bull shit and non sense have been talking like this. Now I am not saying that you shouldn't have an opinion on a matter as important as federal government in the country you live in. I think you should, you really need to care.

If you are going to have a strong opinion you better not be a cunt and bitching just to bitch. You need to back up your opinion. For example all those people that are spouting strong negative opinions, how many of them are card holders for the party they wanted in government? How many of them actually participated in campaigning for the party they hold a card for?

And that's the thing that has bugged me about the election results. You want to bitch, bitch, but keep it in check. If you are going to rant and rant you better have done more during the election then just vote. And if you were in the trenches, working on the campaign for anyone other then the conservative and after all that hard work, the conservatives take office, yeah you can be upset, I will give you that.

As far as I am concerned if you want to have a strong opinion you have to earn it and work for it, otherwise you are likely just spouting out bull shit of an unintelligent nature and adding to the global warming crisis with all the hot obnoxious air you are exhaling.

1 comment:

  1. My major piss-off from the election was townhalls where students were allowed to ask questions...Every single question asked by a student could be summarized to this:

    "How much money are you going to give to me for tuition?"

    Yes. How much free-loading can I aspire to get from the government. Not - how will you encourage businesses to hire students over the summer so I can afford tuition; or how much funding are you going to give to Universities to promote research studies so that I have a chance to earn money in my field of study... No, of course not, that would make way too much sense. Instead they all drooled about Ignatieff giving them 1000$ a year for 4 years. Newsflash: Give students a guaranteed 1000$ a year for tuition, Universities might raise their tuition fees say... 1000$ a year =P Epic fail Canadian students. Thank god most of them forgot to set their alarm clocks and actually vote...
